Consider the problem of computing the net price of a specific Book item, taking into account the shop discount and any governmental taxes such as a value added tax. 在考虑计算特定Book条目净值的问题时,请考虑商店的折扣和政府的税金(例如增值税)。
Net of tax method 按扣除税款后净额计算法
Net salary is salary after of tax and social security payment. 净工资是指减去纳税用社会保障金后剩下的薪金。
Traffic revenue reduces the capital income net of tax, which also reduces resident's income and expenditure except that of government. 交通非税收入降低了资本要素净收益,居民收入支出减少和政府收入支出的增加。
Net before petroleum revenue tax Talking about the Tax Planning of Enterprise Income Tax under the Environment of New Tax Law 缴纳石油收益税前的净收益新税法环境下的企业所得税税收筹划
Some sellers may not linked to "net", but20% of the price in added tax. 一些卖家可能不相关的“净”,但20%的价格增值税。
If the net assets or remaining property distributed to the foreign venturer exceed the value of its investment, it shall pay income tax in accordance with the law on such excess portion when remitting it abroad. 外国合营者分得的资产净额或剩余财产超过其出资额的部分,在汇往国外时,应依法缴纳所得税。
The net profit of joint venture shall be distributed between the parties to the venture in proportion to their respective share in the registered capital after payment of income tax and other expenditures. 在支付所得税和其他费用之后,伞资企业的净利按合资各方注册的资本比例分配给各方。
One guide might be the net present value of future tax payments, minus the net costs of public services disbursed there. 一种计算方法可以是,用将来税收的净现值,减去已支付公共服务的净成本。
Net of tax concept of income tax allocation 所得税分配中的税后净额概念
Although it is logical to retain expatriates by guaranteeing a net of tax salary, it is important to avoid doing this indefinitely. 尽管通过提供税后工资来挽留人才似乎很有道理,但更为重要的是避免无限期地采取这一举措。
The net result of tax changes was to make the rich even richer. 税制改革的最后结果是使有钱的人更有钱。
Then we realize the theme map of tax sources, and raster images as well as eagle-eye maps. NET和COM+应用程序对象池提高系统性能,实现了税源主题图、光栅图像和鹰眼图。
Some rules of anti-avoidances of tax should be made in China today but also the basic information construction should be strengthened, the net technology should be improved, and the hard system of foreign tax management should be set up. 我国不仅要针对其特点制定相应的反避税法规,还必须切实加强信息基础设施建设,提高网络技术,建立严密的涉外税收管理硬件系统。
Tax excess burden is a loss of social net welfare in excess of government's tax. 税收超额负担是超过政府所征集的税收收入而形成的社会净福利损失。
Weather the income tax influence on saving behavior is positive or negative depends on the net effect of income effect and substitute effect resulted by the tax saving. 所得税对储蓄行为的影响是积极的还是消极的,取决于税收储蓄的收入效应与替代效应的相对大小。
The government should weigh the cost of tax revenue and tax revenues itself before carrying on managing in tax, make sure that the net income of the tax revenue can meet the need for public articles offer. 政府在进行税务管理活动之前,应当对税收成本和税收收入进行权衡,确保税收净收益能够满足国家提供公共物品的需要。
Judging from the angle of net cash flow, enterprise's ideal order of choices are consumption type value-added tax, income type value-added tax, productive value-added tax. 而不同类型增值税对企业净现金流的影响优化排序是消费型、收入型、生产型,且生产型增值税的价外计税方法优于价内计税方法。
Company size, return on net assets, tax rates and the level of growth is significantly positive correlated with tax evasion, and there are negative relationships between financial leverage, moral hazard and tax evasion. 公司规模、净资产收益率、税率、成长能力与逃避税程度呈显著的正相关,而财务杠杆、道德风险与逃避税程度呈显著的负相关。
Regarded as a 'good tax', the corporation tax is levied on the net income of a company. Corporation tax boasts of tax neutrality, which is an unrivaled advantage over other taxes. 企业所得税对企业的纯所得征税,具有流转税等其他税种无可比拟的税收中性优势,被西方誉为良税。
Therefore, this article attempt to value-added tax transformation on the cash flow, tax, after-tax net income, expected rate of return and other indicators of changes in investment analysis to study the value-added tax of enterprises and the whole social investment stimulus. 因此,本文试图通过增值税转型对现金流量、税负、税后净利润、预期收益率等投资指标变动的分析来研究增值税转型对企业及整个社会投资的刺激作用。
Among them, the firm size, asset-liability ratio, profit rate to net worth, fixed assets intensity, the proportion of the first shareholders and corporate income tax burden have negative correlation, the implementation of tax rates and corporate income tax rate have positive correlation. 其中,企业规模、资产负债率、资产净利率、固定资产密集度、第一股东持股比例与企业实际所得税税负成负相关关系,执行税率与企业实际所得税税负成正相关关系。
The first section compares and summarizes the viewpoints of the source school, net added value school, and consumption and expenditure school on taxation objects of individual income tax. 第一节比较归纳了来源说、净增值说和消费支出说关于个人所得税课税对象的观点。